Lauren Abraham and Dominique Storelli: 20 Min Full Body Home Workout

Get a real home grown workout with two of the funnest gals! Lauren Abraham is Fitvine wines long time official athlete & teaches fitness classes live weekly on our IG TV. Today she has Maxim hometown hottie Domonique Storelli. (Lots of dogs, kid energy, with a little bit of naughty) Good times with these two.
Check out the circuit:
Warm up
- Run In Place
- Butt Kicks
- Hip Openers
- Arm Circles
- Side Lunges with Reach
*Dumbbells or bottles of FitVine used in this workout.
Circuit #1
- Squat Press
- Rear Lunge Lat Raise
- Deadlift to Bicep Curl
- Bent Over Row with Tricep Extension
- Push Up to Shoulder Touch
- Burpee with Push Up
Ab Attack
- Flat Arm Leg Extension
- Lay Flat Leg Raises
- Plank
Cool Down
- Child’s Pose
- Behind the Back Shoulder Pull